BIFLTBA (Birmingham International Festival of Live & Time Based Art)
The Edge, Digbeth, Birmingham
9pm, Friday 28 September 2007
greenroom, 54-56 Whitworth Street West, Manchester M1 5WW

A 20 minute interruption and introduction to ring-craft; judging potential agility, temperament and obedinece of a class of young pups. A live art event by Adela Jones. Part of 'emergency' an annual platform for contemporary performance, live art and intervention at Greenroom. Over 30 short performances took place in a day and a half (described by Greenroom as ' a veritable lucky dip - from the contemplative to the downright bonkers') and BIFLTBA at 'The Edge' in Birmingham.
Instructed by ladies in fuzzy green jogging suits with matching pink shoes and flowers in their hair; eight volunteers from the audience were invited to come and stand on a grass green runway. Put into pairs they were told they were about to compete in a 'dog show'. Each pair was given a team colour and a special bag containing a t-shirt, special doggy head gear a collar and lead. The remaining audience were given voting cards by Judge Knowles and Judge Grimwood and asked to vote for the dog they believe to be the best performer in each of 3 classes. The judges interrupted and passed comments on the dogs performance for the duration of the event.
After an action packed demonstration by the enthusuastic pups, voting cards were collected and counted and prizes were awarded to the impressively obedient animals. The dog in first place just made it with his pants still on - Judge Grimwood noted that wearing designer underwear would not fetch him extra points; but Banjo with his barked rendition of 'happy birthday' was not overlooked. On conclussion the show was packed back into the wheelie bone box from which it arrived and the event was over.
For further information about the programme at greenroom see:
This special event is dedicated to and inspired by EM BURROWS one dog-obsessed friend no longer with us. It will be presented again in Summer 2008, in Birkenhead in Em's home town.
Video stills taken from documentation by Will Pollard
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